by Leviathan » Mon Nov 18, 2013 10:34 pm
UK is a million times closer culturally than France. Foreign Policy wise the UK is also much much closer to America.
I think you are confusing French cultural and foreign policy attitudes with similarities. In terms of attitude, France is culturally similar to america in the sense we both truly think we are exceptional, and cling deeply to certain cultural vestiges. In terms of foreign policy, France is very America like in the sense of using hard power and strong arm diplomacy to protect it's interests.
Unfortunately though, these similar attitudes make the french horrible allies from a foreign policy or cultural perspective. No one critiques the free market more openly, in rhetoric and policy, than France. No one resists American culture or business more aggressively than France. (why? they think their own culture is just as exceptional) No one champions free market policies, and American culture, UK very close second (after america of course). When it comes to actually implementing foreign policy, the French take a sideline to our adventures (Iraq where the UK supported us) while we generally ignore theirs.
France is actually probably our biggest critique and worst ally (among the large developed nations), especially now that the socialists have taken back power. (Sarko was a true leader and honorary American, but alas, the French wouldn't stand for such a hero)
I have no idea why I used so many parenthesis in retrospect.
"The President, through the Attorney General, may authorize electronic surveillance without a court order under this subchapter to acquire foreign intelligence information for periods of up to one year..." - 50 U.S.C. § 1802