by exploited » Tue Nov 19, 2013 9:12 am
Buried deep inside an Iranian is an American wanting to come out. There are very few countries in the world that would make a better ally to America, and the historical antagonism between the US and Iran makes no sense given how close you once were.
In the 1920s, Iran was hiring Americans to run their treasury, for God's sake. The US was viewed as an upstanding and decent ally all the way up to the late 40s. Sacrificing Iran to the Cold War is one of the worst examples of squandering a valuable, potentially transformative relationship in US history.
The sanctions increase the power of the religious regime while weakening the power of secular authorities. They are a recipe for long-term disaster, and pretty awful for Iranian civilians, who are naturally affectionate towards Americans who aren't mercilessly f**k them.
In my opinion, we ought to just gift Iran a nuclear power plant, drop the sanctions, and send teams in to train them on secure and safe storage of nuclear weapons. Pandora isn't going back in the box, so unless Iran gets nukes or Israel gives theirs up, needless conflict will continue. In the meantime, the whole region will benefit if Israel is made to chill the f**k out.