by Indy » Wed Nov 20, 2013 10:06 am
LOL every time you're confronted with that you post the same debunked, discredited memes.
Oh look: tort reform. Talk about tax breaks for insurance (which Dude has pointed out to you ALREADY EXIST under Obamacare).
You just repeat the same misinformation along with crap that has been explained to you infinitely that it's ALREADY IN THE CURRENT PLAN.
See, this is why people like you shouldn't be in charge of anything--you literally have no idea what you're talking about, you just know what yew want to defeat them libruls at all costs, 'cuz their all sozialists, derpity derp...
And yer takin' a stand against "sozialized med-ycine" which of course Obamacare is because Sarah Palin told you so, derp, derp, super derp...