by Professor » Thu Nov 21, 2013 1:08 pm
Both Democrats and Republicans have filibustered, and abused that power. Both Democrats and Republicans have threatened to use the nuclear option to dismantle one of the bedrocks of the Senate (namely, that a simple majority is not allowed to run roughshod over the minority). However, in the past, it's been all threats, with eventual compromises leading to a solution.
This time, Reid has actually done it.
Like those crazy protester people who picketed outside military funerals, I don't always agree with Republicans stances on using a filibuster to block a nominee for some other purpose. But, I agree with their right to do so.
The Senate is more and more becoming nothing more than a House whose members serve 3x longer terms. For over 200 years, the House was supposed to be the "heat" of the Congressional branch. With members being elected every 2 years, and simple majorities ruling the day, it was expected that they would do things fast and furious, then try and undo them years later. The Senate was SUPPOSED to be a roadblock. It was supposed to temper the impetuousness of the House. That's why they were nominated by state legislatures, not elected by the people. That's why they served 6 year terms, not 2.
And, that's why they had supermajority things like the filibuster. It was to ensure that the party (group of people, since parties weren't around in 1700s) with a bare majority could not abuse that power to silence the minority. After all, these Republican Senators represent over 100 million people.