by JDHURF » Wed Sep 12, 2012 9:44 pm
Roy is arguing with imaginary persons. No one in this thread has suggested that we should leave Islamist militias to their own devices. On the very first page I advocated for stronger international constabulary forces in order to intervene in such instances and uphold international human rights and laws. Osama bin Laden was found and killed. alQaeda operatives are killed constantly. wtf are you talking about?
Also, those responsible for this murder numbered 20, that's hardly a significant portion of Lybians. Most Lybians take the attitude on display in the pictures saz linked to and that the analysts discussed at the end of NAB's CNN link.
But if you don't think U.S. foreign policy is often creating more problems and fanning the flames in many cases you simply have your head firmly up your ass. It's not appreciated when the U.S. props up vicious dictatorships, suppresses democracy, unilaterally supports Israel's every move against peace and so on.
As for those protesting, not the handful of militants who orchestrated a paramilitary assault and committed murder, I agree, they are ignorant and malevolent. So are the American Christian fundamentalists who murder abortion doctors, plot the murder of police officers so that they can bomb the funeral procession and initiate the overthrow of the U.S. government and so on. These are the results of a shattered and uneducated society. The resolution is not to be found in military operations that are going to further exacerbate the circular, internecine violence and war (again, I'm talking about the general protesters, not the 20 militiamen) the resolution is to get a democratic system established and functioning, to increase living standards and to increase education. Those are the only remedies on the planet Earth that can ever hope to resolve such problems.