LOL that is true Leviathan. I was going to post about it but wanted to see who even noticed.
What's amazing is that this morning on FnF they were openly complaining about the "timing" of this, because it was going to take away from their regularly scheduled bitching about the Obamacare website. And we can't have that.
It's all good if it stays on track. As for Saudi Arabia: f*** them. As for Israel: got a better plan? Let's hear it.
What will be REALLY interesting is to see if the TP droolers in congress attempt to derail this by passing even more sanctions. Then you'll know that their self-destructive behavior has now reached into the international world (although it kinda did with the threatened default).
That said, would you rather keep putting your chips on all the Sunni Muslim states in the region or would you rather try and see if you could partner up with one nation that could easily become progressive once the mullahs finally fade? And whose citizens DON'T hate us?