Did Jimmy really post something along the lines of "Well, Bill Kristol says..."
Seriously, Bill f***ing Kristol? The chicken hawk neocon douchebag who cheerleaded the Iraq war the entire time?
If I were to compile a list of people I'm Never Again Going to Listen to When It Comes to the Middle East, #1 on that list would be: the GOP.
For years they've been stroking themselves fantasizing about bombing Iran--no matter how disastrous that would be--and now that their war porn has been shut down at least temporarily of course they're going to start whining and howling about appeasement, Hitler, Nazis, Chamberlain, and all that other totally irrelevant crap.
You'd think a party that was behind two completely botched wars that cost us $1 trillion dollars and counting and over 6,000 American lives would re-think their approach but like with everything else when dealing with these morons, they just double-down on the fail.