Unless your job happened to have been one that was killed, or strangled down from 40 to 29 hours a week.
Dude, did you even read your own charts? Your own links, your own charts show 60% of people DON'T CITE COST as the primary reason they don't have healthcare! Damn, self pwnage is the best pwnage.
Your chart:
40% cite cost, 60% cite other reasons.
So much for the majority saying cost is the reason! LOL
And I don't care what some unknown poll says. The polls are stupid, asking an 18yo why they don't have health insurance! The poll cites the reason, did the poll actually ask them what was their monthly cost? Had you asked me at 18 why I didn't have insurance I'd have said cost, but couldn't begin to tell you what the cost was because I never looked into it. I didn't care about that shit at 18, I cared about getting laid and playing pool. So without the follow up question "Well, then what were you quoted as your monthly cost?" its a useless poll. The follow up would quickly identify those who were just saying cost just to say something, and saying cost because it truly was too expensive when they looked into it. Considering that health insurance is DIRT CHEAP for 18-25yo's in good health, citing cost ALMOST negates the validity of the poll.
Knowing how I was at 18, I'm pretty sure 90% never even looked into it. Certainly 90% of those kids under age 25.
The breakdown I showed are the facts. If someone is eligible for coverage and doesn't know it, whose fault is that? Does that mean they can't afford it? No. They say "too expensive." That is a VERY VERY subjective observation. A lot of people think milk is too expensive, but they still buy it.
What I want to know is this. How many of those 18-34yo's say that cost is the number one reason they don't get health care, but those same kids are sporting the latest iPhone X with unlimited talk text and data, the latest iPad, not to mention TV service to the house, XM radio to their car, etc. No, they don't WANT to sacrifice to pay for health care. People don't have health insurance for one reason: It's not nearly as fun to drop 200 a month on health insurance as it is on a cell phone, TV service, car note, iPad, etc. It's like paying a mortgage. It sucks, I'd much rather spend the money on fun shit like new computers, but I can't. Some expenses are mandatory, or necessary, and so you sacrifice to buy those things. Heck when I was making 8.00 an hour pumping jet fuel I bought my own health insurance. I didn't have a cell phone, TV service, etc. Just an apartment with a bed. But if I got sick, I was covered. This young generation doesn't know how to sacrifice. They think their life will stop, their heart will stop beating, if they don't get the latest and greatest I-GADGET on the market.
In fact, looking at the demographics of those who own smartphones, it appears the majority are owned by the 18-34 age bracket. Ain't it funny how that works?
http://www.emarketer.com/Article/US-Sma ... id/1009961
So lets see.....they have no problems affording several hundred dollar smartphones and the expensive plans that go along with them, but can't afford health insurance? K, gotcha.
Bullshit, it's not cost. It's priorities. If they even looked into the cost of health insurance at all. It's the selfishness of kids these days. I sacrificed to have health insurance. I don't have any TV service and have not had it since moving into this house over 2 years ago, I have the cheapest prepaid cell phone service and a beat up LG phone that's worth less than the charger plugged into it. I don't have an iPad or any tablet, my desktop PC was 100 bucks used, I drive a scooter to save insurance and gas money and I keep my thermostat on 62 in the winter (it's on 62 right now) and 80 in the summer. And low and behold, I could afford the best coverage they had available to me until Obamacare raised the rate 70 dollars a month. That put it out of my price range so I cancelled and got a catastrophic only policy.