by Indy » Mon Dec 16, 2013 12:40 pm
That doesn't address the point at all.
It's really fun to pat ourselves on the back and talk about how "pro-life" we are by insisting that all pregnancies result in births regardless of how they occurred or even worse, what kind of life an unwanted child will have or a child whose mother cannot provide for him. Let's not think of the consequences of bringing a child into the world, let's just put on our ultra-liberal do-gooder beanie and ignore the consequences of mandating births because: look at us! Look how "pro-life" we are!
Even better when the life of the mother is completely ignored, especially if she's a victim of rape or incest. Sorry you got raped, honey--but God wants you to have the baby! Because it's a "miracle"! God works in mysterious ways, you know, and sometimes that includes you being sexually assaulted and impregnated.
But where it gets REALLY fun is after these kids are born and should they and their mothers require some kind of social assistance. Remember that baby YOU insisted they have? Well, now you want absolutely nothing to do with it and even worse, the two of them are considered parasites who are stealing your hard-earned tax money!
So the miracle of life lasts exactly until the minute of birth and then all these same "pro-life" people not only want nothing to do with the child, they see the mother and child as a burden on society should they not be self-sufficient. But yet they insist the child must be born regardless or else this is "murder."
If that isn't the definition of f***ing insane I don't know what is.
Bonus cray cray: these same people oppose birth control. I mean, for f***'s sake...