by The Dharma Bum » Fri Dec 20, 2013 9:00 am
Currency conversion is emerging because of the global nature of the new economy. One of the benefits of bitcoins is because it makes it easy to exchange various currencies quickly at a good price. Say for example you are talking a flight to UK you don't have to convert to euro or pound, or if you do for some reason it's very easy to do on the go.
One of the reasons I say these currencies are the way things will be done in the future is because state issued fiat currencies can't properly deal with the nature of the emerging global market and communications technology. They are literally dinosaurs trying to survive the aftermath of a big asteroid strike.
Cryptocurrency is a technical development that is driven by the same social change that is driving globalization and the global society that is emerging is going to supercede nationalistic state capitalism in the way the emergence of village markets led the way to democratic society from the feudal order.