by The Dharma Bum » Sat Dec 21, 2013 12:59 pm
I don't see why you think I am upset in any way?
I just don't find conclusions drawn from interviewing people any more compelling than I would find eyewitness testimony. It's a conclusion with it's basis in information that is of marginal quality, in my estimation, so I wouldn't drawn any absolute conclusions one way or another.
I think think the behavior our culture labels "pedophilia" was ubiquitous throughout the vast majority of human history. These kinds of studies are really case studies in confirmation bias.
Culturally this behavior is condemned so we seek justifications for this view with the best tool we have which is science (science has surpassed religious philosophy as pinnacle of human thought).
Example one time scientists noticed what they perceived to be a correlation between the bumps on a persons head and certain types of criminal behavior. At one time this was cutting edge scientific thinking and had a major impact on criminal justice. Today we recognize phrenology as the pseudo science it is because we see that the correlations that were assigned meaning according to our cultural perspective at the time were actually meaningless when viewed from a more sophisticated perspective than that of the Victorian Age.
Reading tea leaves, seeking meaning in the bumps on someone's head, or seeking meaning in compiled statistical correlations are all basically aspects of the same thing. Providing emotional support for when cultural expectations interfere with the wider pattern of social engagement.