by Spider » Sat Dec 21, 2013 3:12 am
Ok. Hyperion...all that stuff you just posted is moot for a very simple reason: Causality.
You are intentionally skipping over the initiation point of a chain of events in order to select a later link in that chain that allows you to defer responsibility.
It all starts with a penis being shoved up into a vagina. That simple. Everything that follows is a direct result of that decision, and that decision is entirely up to either partner. Barring rape, they can both simply choose not do it.
Anything more than this is obfuscation of a very, very, simple concept.
You don't get to conveniently throw that DECISION MADE FREE OF COERCION OR FORCE out of the chain of events and pretend that this all hinges instead on the altogether separate and distinct decision to have an abortion or not. It doesn't. The abortion decision is an entirely different decision that has to be made AFTER the initiation of all of this, and never would have come to be in the first place otherwise.
One parent isn't forcing children onto the other for the very simple reason that one parent is incapable of having children on their own, and all that matters is that both parents consented to engaging in a reproductive act with known consequences. And the whole bitching about women being in control of their own bodies is just biology. Don't like how sexual reproduction works? Take it up with Darwin. Its an immutable condition.
The abortion decision is another topic completely. It has no relevance here, as it doesn't come into play until after the decision that began this whole thing has already been made.
Its pretty much what I already posted on the last page, but you declined to comment on. Here's for second chances:
Men are accountable for the decision to shoot their DNA at a woman's eggs, and the subsequent results of that decision. It is not "someone else's decision." The decision to get an abortion or not is a totally different issue, and men have zero say in it, nor should they. They are 100% responsible for that earlier decision to spray DNA in the direction of a woman's cervix, however, and the consequences of that. Its not, "Oh. You are magically pregnant. How did that happen? Well, now there are decisions to be made." At that point the decision the man had total control over is already made and in the past, else they wouldn't be discussing it to begin with.