I am so glad I got on PCF tonight, needed a laugh after the Steelers missed the playoffs due to a wide right FG.
I def want an explanation as to how pointing out a real, genuine fact is racist. Between 92-96 of every 1000 black women aged from 18-25 have at least one unplanned child. Compare that to non-hispanic white women in the same age group who average 32 unplanned children/pregnancies per 1000 women. Another fact is, right or wrong, when a woman has a child having either never cohabited with the father or did for some time but the relationship has since ended, that woman can be seen by society to be a financial burden, especially if whilst in her relationship she was a domesticated partner and was unable to pick up job skills. This second point hurts women of every ethnic group with lower incomes because males get the impression that since they have no job skills and a child that they are not worth the investment of a relationship or the financial responsibilities they'll place on themselves. Is this selfish? A bit. Is it a woman's fault alone that she was a domestic partner and has a child. Of course not. It is one of those unfortunate things in life that, right or wrong, is what it is. Overall, the current generation of young adults wants to be in relationships with other people they feel can be positive partners in their lives and they want to do it sans child. Do I blame them? No, because being in your 20s with the current global economy sucks and a child is a big personal and financial investment.
..."if the only thing keeping a person decent is the expectation of a divine reward, then brother, that person is a piece of shit."