Neither violence or aggression is innate. Being able to swing your arms did not evolve to enable violence. And how exactly are you distinguishing violence from aggression? You seem to object to them being used interchangeably, but then proceed to use them interchangeably yourself.
You keep on saying violence is in our nature without providing any proof. Prove it. Give me something to engage with. What is the biological trigger for violence? As I have already made clear, fight-or-flight deals with enabling muscles to engage in strenous activity, not to determine response.
Most importantly, violence is almost always done for ideological, not random, reasons. Someone f**k your wife or killed your cousin or has something you want - the reaction people have to these things is determined by culture and environment, not biology. Being angry does not mean being violent or aggressive. Being jealous does not turn us into the Hulk.
Present something real.