Conservatism, like most of the words the anti-American Republicans use nowadays only means what they or their reps tell them to say it does. What they say shifts according to public opinion or whatever their social networking employees report back about what people want to hear and how they like to think of themselves to get the attention away from what they're doing. Also if they say outrageous hypocritical crap then we're all less likely to pay attention to what theyre doing also. keep thinking Republicans are stupid. It works for them.
In my not so humble opinion, they and their anonymous anywhere in the world benefactor's have figured out that you didn't have to fight our big and strong military to take over this country just buy it and divide it up. Heck buy the whole thing! Shrink government or remove gov employees so we hire theirs instead. Better yet shrink it out of providing for necessary functions in American life so they can take that business too.
They kill the safety net while in a recession so the desperation will send people to the increasing privatized military, jail, or in need of medication -- at least making someone money, right? for our faux representatives the worth of a life its about $ and the number of digits next to your name.
Education is too expensive, like privacy (example in anonymous donor) and then insert religion into public schools so people are easier to control. Push that government assistance of any kind an object of shame. All of what they are pushing for in its entirety will reduce costs that aren't returning any $ for these few and make Americans more paranoid,draft friendly, less likely to revolt AND reduce labor costs because Americans might accept lower and lower wages. (OR 'Prepping the battlefield' as a neocon I knew used to call it) and if they don't they can destroy each other while they ship more people in that will do the job they want. Americans are so lazy.
The irony will be that countries like China or Saudi Arabia could wage war against us by hiring our military to do it for them. What isn't for sale in America? How would you know if its also hidden? ... l-network/ ... .cfm?id=15That's what what they're doing looks like to me, which is awfully depressing.
I have to say I miss my avatar. Every time I thought of commenting on something after reading something upsetting and looked at it, I thought, heloo..
can't login says user doesn't exist. Wasn't even going to post until that happened.