by Leviathan » Tue Jan 14, 2014 2:16 pm
I'm not going to respond to each it's to much work.
1. You are a lawyer non, you KNOW what a joke state court is compared to fed court. Maybe you don't like the decisions, but Christ even local judges are ELECTED in some places. State court is literally a f**k zoo compared to fed court. I have yet to spend 5 min in a state court and not witness so gross miscarriage of justice. I'm not a stickler for formatting or anything, but you apparently can submit literally anything to a state court and it's fine.
2. No. Holder has said he wouldn't, and if the doj could affect the law there is a 100% chance Obama would order them to not even bother and legalize it. But in a federal world that's pointless because Texas will just ban it again, creating another black market that actually does need to be broken by authorities.
3. Beijing is not weaker than dc. Beijing just have to much to manage to carefully manage it all. But when Beijing says something, shit gets done. When congress says something... The other half of congress yells back and we don't get anything done.. Day after day after day.
4. Yes, if I were California I would have tried to leave by now. Honestly the south is the real it always has been. The basic gist of American history is the south abusing a federal system to f**k over everyone else. That's why none of the countries you mentioned have anywhere NEAR the strong federalist structure we have.
5. I'm mad because I was born here, would really like to live here, and yet the whole thing is going to shit because no one has the balls to try anything new. We just cling to the constitution and pray to Jefferson that's it's all going to be alright, instead of actually making an effort to change and solve issues. America can't solve big issues anymore. America cannot do big things anymore. America cannot f**k make up its own mind, let alone lead anymore. We are destined to be the retarded conservative brother to Europe. Real shit is getting done in Asia, big ducking things are taking place there.... And Americans sit around dicks in hand pontificating on the importance of having guns or which level of government should ignore their interests first. It's a f**k joke. The system isn't working, we all know it, and yet whenever a new idea is proposed we all act like the system is fine and we can't change anything because it's in the constitution.
Seriously, I'm f**k out. This is not a land for the bright bold or ambitious anymore.
"The President, through the Attorney General, may authorize electronic surveillance without a court order under this subchapter to acquire foreign intelligence information for periods of up to one year..." - 50 U.S.C. § 1802