LOL... Funny this comes up now...
About a year ago I brought this up here, that I live in an area with 100,000's of people yet I have only TWO internet provider choices... Time Warner and Verizon.. No one else because the telecom companies have carved up the cities and neighborhoods.. These bastards are already ripping people off.. Comcast and Optimum are within blocks, but not where I live.. I can't get ATT here either even though I CAN get ATT phone service..
Anyway because I just got Roku so I decided to bite the bullet and up my internet from DSL to FIOS( Verizon would NOT up my DSL speed, they forced me to go to FIOS)... I go back and forth with them, and work out a decent deal.. Here's the kicker, I only wanted Internet, but noooooo I had to take a 'package'.. I have DirecTV, and I am not dropping them, so I had to take the Internet and Phone package... Even though I in no way wanted, or use my land-line phone anymore.. The 1 women I talked to told me to just unplug it if I didn't want to use it, but I had to take the [hone and pay for it..
Isn't the free market a wonderful thing? LOL