Living under him, I've become less of a fan. He's done quite a bit that's good for the state. His business attraction measures have been stellar - no, even better than that. He reformed our ethics laws to the point where Louisiana went from 49th in the country to mid-teens.
But, he rules from on high. He almost never meets with legislators, except a select few, to discuss his initiatives. He dictates, and bullies people into following. Given his popularity, he can do that.
IF (and that's a big "if") the GOP could just stop with their social crap, he'd be fine. I guess I'd vote for him, given the alternatives*, but I might not be happy about it.
*- Chris Christy- Not only won't I vote for him. I'd rather be Clinton's Chief of Staff than vote for him. He doesn't care one whit for his constituents, except when it comes time to vote for him. He only cares about himself. And, he surrounds himself with people of like minds, who will bend or break any law to get their way, if they think they can get away with it.