by Indy » Wed Feb 19, 2014 10:36 am
Excellent points, as always.
I forget also that the MSM is set up at this point to put the extremists on-air to do battle with "the left," making it appear (incorrectly) that the TPM represents anything near a majority or even a large minority in this country.
Still, it is a sad day. 15 years ago these people would have been considered bozos by EITHER party. Now they dominate the "conservative" viewpoint.
I always got a huge kick out of how Bush/Cheney literally used the Christian vote for a two-night stand in 2000 and 2004 and then completely discarded them, not even faking trying to advance their agenda. Showing that even they thought they were chumps.
Yet here they are, now dominating the conversation. Although the other reality is when you've got people like the Koch Bros. pumping millions into any group they're going to be heard.