(geo-politics with Non)
I'm pretty sure that behind closed doors this is what the West(mainly US) is thinking at Putin right now:

meanwhile here's Putin:

I mean the guy just held the most expensive winter olympics in history in an effort to demonstrate Russia's stability and commercial legitimacy. Now shit, we got a major international crisis on our hands.
If the Ukrainians can't sort their shit out Putin's got 2 choices:
1. let it go.
2. roll in.
problem with 1 is he looses a shit load of credibility and that whole tough guy persona.
problem with 2 is I'm pretty sure the US, UK, and France want the opportunity to kick his ass.
stay with me here.
If...the ole' boys of Western imperialism can lick Putin in the Crimea they will seriously undermine his regime. Thus giving the west the opportunity to help put a more pussy-riot (and western corporate) friendly guy in power.
If we can bring Russia into the fold the US (and UK and France) now control (at least) 95% of the world's remaining energy reserves.
But more importantly we can keep the current global financial regime in place for the next 100 years. Chin and Russian really don't like each other all that much, but one of the few things they do agree on is that the Greenback needs to be replaced as the world's energy exchange medium. With Russia's energy reserves and China's rising economic clout they may soon be in a position to challenge the all might dollar.
The ole' boys of the North Atlantic do not want this to happen and if Putin goes it probably won't happen.
So...I'm pretty sure in some war-rooms in DC, New York, London, Paris, and Frankfurt folks are mulling over how to pick a fight with Russia.
oh and Putin knows this.