by Gremlin » Sun Mar 02, 2014 10:54 pm
The cat is out of the bag.
As long as there is digital communication the state will continue to be marginalized.
Bitcoin is only the 1st successful implementation of a digital ledger. It is obvious that the mining process was put in place as a self promotion mechanism, but it also illustrated the diversity and creativity that can be implemented within cryptography.
In the near future a mode of monetary exchange will continue to find its foothold, guaranteed. The next phase of cryptography is still to be developed, but i tell you what, an uncrackable ledger that is immune to centralization sounds like the perfect certification method for property. AS a true example, the county recorder holds the keys to who owns what parcel of real estate. So here comes this sweet system in 1995, MERS, where if your part of the protected classes your able to bypass local laws and fees to buy and sell mortgage titles. Screw the county recorder because congress will just retroactively legalize all this crime later because the investment class is just to big to fail. So the "citizens" that you claim are there to be protected are sitting there being raped by the investment classes up one side and down the other. To the extent that there is a massive number of cases, where its impossible to search out the legit title holder to said "citizen's" home they are being thrown out of. No one gets in trouble, no reforms, nothing that could logically be called "protection".
Cryptography could be a solution for real estate, something that would even work for government of all levels to track the history of who owns what can be verified by anyone. Rather this state has gone completely criminal and finds it easier to up the threat level and have its followers crack jokes. Thats ok though, eventually the free market will provide, so long as the current consensus doesnt have a temper tantrum and murder the planet.
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