by exploited » Tue Mar 11, 2014 8:16 am
I don't know if you'd nuke Pakistan back. All I know is that their stockpile would be handed over to you, and they would allow you to come in and clean house, or they would be destroyed. That would be the only acceptable position to take. Any politician that didn't get on board with it would be crucified by the public.
Everyone knows SA and Pakistan are the two biggest sponsors of terrorism. "Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer." -US Foreign Policy
Talking about SA and Pakistan as if they are homogeneous entities doesn't make alot of sense. The truth is that some of the families and tribes are allies, and some are not. I personally don't want to go to war against Pakistan or Saudi Arabia at all, and I think the primary job of making the US safer was to be done in intelligence-gathering, not war-making. But if a sovereign nation allows its nukes to go missing, they have to pay for it when it turns up. Simple as that. Any other response would create the worst precedent possible.
3000 people is big, and Dharma is right to point out that it was a well-executed atrocity. But for all the damage it caused, that damage is minuscule compared to even a 10 kiloton nuke going off on Wall Street. You would be wiping untold billions of dollars of wealth off the planet, tens of thousands of lives, and making the entire area uninhabitable for years. And the psychic factor is just so huge. There is no way that the responsible nation would get off the hook. None.