Veering slightly away from center here, I just wonder... How in the hell do these folks not get genuinely ashamed of themselves for causing this level of instability over something so inconsequential, produced by one of our own village idiots? I mean, my youngest son can produce a fairly decent stock and cut video and upload it to youtube. He's 9. Am I now to assume that my 9 year old could realistically start World War 3 using the laptop and Sony Vegas?
Surreal question #2... where is the moderate stance publicly opposing this bloody crazy shit? I keep searching for the press conferences from the masses of Muslim moderate leader folk who aren't currently off being bat-shit crazy, at least stating something publicly that won't leave us thinking they've all lost the plot completely? You know, just say anything, maybe 'calm the f**k down!', or 'Allah doesn't like this shit'?
Not trying to rehash any deep debates here, I just read there's now 1 dead in Pakistan and they have tagged onto the Lunatic Parade as well, marching on the embassy. This shit has really gone to the fringes of sanity.