by JDHURF » Mon Sep 17, 2012 12:25 pm
Brilliant response: "oh bullshit." Just brilliant. I was so wrong about your ignorance of these subjects.
I will simply repeat: Person-hood is defined by consciousness, self-awareness, autonomy and sentience. These are objective criteria that can be scientifically measured. These are all just plain facts that cannot be denied by any thinking person. That you would argue these things are all just subjective indicates to me that you don't have any knowledge of the relevant subjects.
Various different cultures may define person-hood differently, but different cultures also view evolution differently, that doesn't mean that there is no objective basis to evolution, it just means that some cultures are far behind others in scientific literacy and intelligence. Evolution and ethics are not dictated by the whims of some "culture" - a term, I agree with Chomsky, should be put in the same category as unicorns - they are dictated by the methods of logic and science, various "cultures" distorted view of them be damned.
That your response to this is "oh bullshit" is very illustrative of your ignorance of the relevant subjects.