by Philly » Tue Mar 25, 2014 10:04 pm
So you really think that religion plays a major role today in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict? Granted, their politics are weird because they do have a far right religious minority party that caucuses with the ruling party, but the real conflict here isn't about religion. It's about a western style liberal democracy wanting a bunch of 3rd world brown middle eastern people to get the hell out. Complicated by the fact that a bunch of other countries full of brown middle eastern people, some 3rd word and some not, are on every side of them and don't like the white westerners too much. Right now, Israel is concerned with demographics. Non-Jewish Arabs are growing faster in the population than Jews are. Over here in the US, that concerns the fundies because of some silly rapture prophecy which requires that Israel be full of Jews or something. In Israel, it concerns Jews because they have a democracy and the demographics are trending toward people with very different values than them having a majority eventually.
I don't care if 60% of Jews in Israel identify themselves as believing that Israel is their promise land. While in the middle of a conflict for land in Israel. People claim God is any war, just as soon as they've chosen a side, that is. That doesn't mean every war is religiously motivated. You still haven't shown evidence that it significantly fuels Israel's conflicts with the Palestinians. In the American Civil war every deep fried cracker in the South probably proclaimed that God wanted the Confederacy to be free from the North, but they really just hated black people and thought there was some fine print in the Constitution about them being able to opt out of the US at any time.
go ahead. keep screaming "Shut The f**k Up " at me. it only makes my opinions Worse