by Spider » Fri Mar 28, 2014 10:09 am
The transfer of wealth from young to old is all healthcare ever has been. The old take more healthcare resources to string along than the young, and are less productive. The young take less healthcare resources and are more productive.
Of course the young subsidize the old. Leaving aside a Logan's Run style scenario, that's just how the world works.
If we want public healthcare, we simply have to accept that every year a senior citizen lingers on past their expiration date is a tremendous monetary expense with no monetary return. So our choices are 1: Hell with 'em. Let em die. Or 2: Eat the costs.
Griping about an immutable truth gets us nowhere. We just have to decide whether or not we can live with ourselves if we choose to look the other way rather than care for elders. And how we expect to be treated when we get there.