"revolutions" are caused by wave function collapse in a system, not the do-good heroics of idealistic individuals
let's analyze the current situation. The current debt bubble is just such a collapse poised ready to happen. The G20 nations are beyond bankrupt and when they finish milking the developing world dry to prop it all up they will have to either start a war with a BRIC nation or start seizing domestic private wealth. Seems to me that with the advent of of the "security" state and total informational awareness in the G20 nations the most likely target is private wealth. However they may try war first but I think that would only serve to hasten the collapse at this point. Also in favor of the view that external conflict is the less likely of the outcomes, the BRIC nations are in the same boat and will only try to plunder their own citizenry into oblivion as well so they are no actual existential threat unless attacked first. The domestic target is far easier pickings, especially now that they have rigged all the exits.
Either way I fore see a massive reallocation of human capital on the horizon.