by Professor » Tue Apr 08, 2014 7:37 am
Vaccinations should not be mandatory . . . if you can guarantee that, when you get sick, you will not spread the disease to another person.
But, since that is not possible, then yes, they should be mandatory.
Your rights end where another person's rights begin. If you cannot guarantee that you will not infect someone else, then you must be vaccinated. Or, if you refuse, then you will be placed in a situation, against your will, where you cannot infect people.
The US has a basic law about this. Not state, but US. In the case of an epidemic, the US government has 2 options. They can go door to door, forcing people to take a cure/vaccine/ect. And, if the person there refuses, they may be jailed until such time as the outbreak has subsided, or you take the vaccine/cure/etc.