I wonder if anyone has done a scientific study to see how large the world actually is? For instance, people seem to be able to walk from Sunspear to Winterfel in a matter of days. The distance from Panama (rough equivalent of Sunspear?) to Calgary (rough equivalent of Winterfell?) is 4660 miles. The average person walks at 3.1mph. If you walk during sunlight on an average day, that's 37 miles per day. This means you will get there in 126 days. Take a couple days here and there to rest, stay at an inn, bed a winch, recover from the STD, and you're up to 150 days, easy. It doesn't get much better, if you use a horse, as a horse only averages 4mph walking. Sure, they can gallop, but not for a long time.
So, how small is the planet, really? It would seem to be far smaller than Earth. And, unless it's made of FAR more massive stuff, then gravity is gonna be all effed up.