by Spider » Wed Apr 09, 2014 3:56 pm
The only glamorization of guns is maybe as relates to gang culture? That is the source of the vast bulk of shootings iirc. In popular media and the general consciousness guns are more associated with rural hillbillies and right wing paranoiacs than with anything anyone could describe as "glamorous".
Seeing guns as glamorous is probably a function of how far removed you are from them culturally. If you live in the suburbs and have as much exposure to guns as you do to moonrocks, they probably seem fascinating as a forbidden fruit sort of thing. They carry stigma and a sense of menace. To someone who grew up around them, they are far less fascinating...about as glamorous as a tennis racket or a fishing pole. Half the places I lived as a kid, a rifle leaning in the corner next to door or in a rack in a pickup was such an everyday thing I never thought much of it. I moved several times from rural to urban and back during my childhood, and the differences in the way people perceived guns was always amazing.
But it never occurred to me that guns were glamorous.