Safety is no substitute for liberty. Again, this comes down to a fundamental difference between you and I. You have no concept of rights or liberties.
- But you must know I have more rights and liberties than you! You can't even enjoy a single bud light on your 20th birthday! You have less than 25% of my voting power when choosing your leaders. You even have daft crimes like 'Jay walking'. Your police instigate cerfews kinda' when they fancy it. Your NSA seemingly does whatever it wants. Ours equivelents simply don't, we simply don't have those rules. Yet YOUR the guys whose citizens are carrying around desert eagles because they think that will stop exactly the behaviour you already have (ho ho - because some guy 900 miles away has some small arms the NRA thinking 'er .. better respect his privacy then ... even the concept kinda makes me lol ).
You will literally do ANYTHING in the name of what's "best."
- I thought about this sentence for a while and I think I agree. I DO reckon I will always try and do whats best. For example, if someone 200 years ago invented that I had a god-given right to punch orphaned kids, I'd actually choose to not exercise this right, instead doing whats 'best'. I am trying to fathom any circumstances where trying to do what is best is a bad thing!
Those who give up their liberty for more security neither deserve liberty nor security. - Ben Franklin
- Quotes arn't de-facto right because someone important said them.
'I am not a crook' - Richard Nixon.
Rights cannot be subjugated to common cause or the demands of the masses.
You are a short sighted fool. Less than a century ago you enlightened europeans were slaughtering each other and exterminating entire races. You truly have no appreciation for rights and liberties.
- The idea that civilians having light-arms would have stopped any European wars is misguided to the point of easy humour:
Hitler 'lets send 9200 panzers into France'
Generals 'Are you mad? Mrs Miggins at number 32 has a pistol'.
Hitler 'Dammit retreat .. RETREEEEAAAAT'
Besides, I am not prepared to compromise my liberties by spending my life thinking I have to drag an AK47 aroud with me otherwise they will go away! because they haven't gone away in the first 100 ODD YEARS we haven't had firearms!!
Liberty and freedom in america are innate, they form the foundation of this country.
- But even you must admit you have less freedom and liberty than most of Europe. You want freedom - go to Amsterdam. Sort drugs legal forever (not just recently), in fact (and this will shock you), you can even marry a person that doesn't have government-approved genetalia. We are enjoying more liberty AND more freedom than you! You've got M16s though - what on earth is going wrong?
For foreigners, it's simply a matter of convenience. Yes, you can have this liberty if it's not to inconvenient for the rest of society. Yes, you can have this liberty so long as the government doesn't change it's mind.
- As a general rule in this place where we don't have guns you can kind of do what you want as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else. For example, and this will shock you, a citizen can marry another citizen even if their intended partner doesn't had government approved genetalia. Because if it hurts no-one else. I understand it's probably hard for you to comprehend, but you certainly don't enjoy that fundamental right. To spend your life married to someone that loves and wants to be married to you is government-banned, unless they happen to be the opposite sex. Brilliant defence of your rights hey gun carriers. I mean how damm 'innate' a right is marrying the person you love, yet your M249 hasn't even made that happen, perhaps THE biggest human right (I can think of).
Besides, if you're bringing god into it, Firstly we should decide if GOD really did sit on his fluffy cloud and think 'I reckon my creations should be allowed M14s, but not allowed grenades. They should be allowed .50s, but not allowed anti-personnel mines' and then they should decide if the founding fathers just happened to have a direct tie-in to god's thoughts, where other people (like, say, the pope - WHO IS GOD'S MOUTHPEICE ON THIS EARTH so the crazies tell me) actually disagree .. ! God-given right to have a DMR and all the popes have been, er, mistaken? Come on man, be serious! Or even better, don't play the religeon card, as magic and fairy tales never wins an argument
We have GOD GIVEN RIGHTS laid out in the constitution, that shall not be abridged.
- If they were god-given the vatican (where gods mouthpeice LITERALLY STATES THE RULES) would allow small arms. He doesn't (beyond their police). If you're a Christian BY DEFINITION you have to believe he is right. Er, sorry. The pope says god disagrees with this right your founding fathers invented.
Ignorance is bliss. I'm not going to deny there is a burden in vigilance. You prefer to be blind, deaf and dumb, so when the fatal stroke comes you won't have the slightest fear. I prefer to be alert, vigilant and full of hope, confident that with the right tools I am the captain of my destiny. Again, it's a cultural thing. Americans shape their reality and influence their environment. The british close their eyes and hope for the best.
- We have more voting power, more rights, more transparancy in government, and less government abuse than the US. I don't want to turn this into a US vs UK thing as the US, all in all, is probably a better place. but saying 'the US has some form of liberty that we don't' BEYOND being able to go and shoot 'cop-killers' at melons at a gun range, is just naive.