by The Dharma Bum » Sat Apr 26, 2014 9:07 am
What it comes down to is this:
Americans hate freedom, except when it comes to what they perceive in relation to their own individual freedom
We are developing a social regime is equal parts skinner box and panopticon, far worse than anything imagined by the social commentators of the past.
The purpose of all this is to literally desocialize humans so they can accept the dehumanization and mechanization inherent in industrialized production.
So all the fine talk about individualized "family values" from the right, and socialized "community values" from the left is really bullshit to avoid talking about a system that sabotages both viewpoints and creates a psychological state in which an individual will accept becoming an expendable cog in the machine.
Instead of altering society to accommodate humanity, we are attempting to alter humanity, using social conditioning and drugs, to accommodate industrialized production and exploitation by the elite class.
The result is a broken mess. Now that we can scientifically understand the factors that create this mess, we should use our power to correct them. Instead of teaching people that intelligence and thinking is for "nerds" we need to teach them to use their cognitive abilities properly to affect the environment positively and in the process become a nation of doers instead of a nation who sits by and watches TV as small number of psychopaths destroy the f**k planet with their obsession for power and wealth.
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