Did you even read my posts? Why does your comprehension suck so bad?
I clearly denied the legitimacy of the thinking I'm describing. Why the f**k are you acting like I'm advocating it all of a sudden?
Of course people have different self-interest. Now connect the dots to your statement that to pursue your own self-interest without regard to others is illogical. Allowing others to do what they want is not "respect," nor is it even desirable in many cases, even when it doesn't directly harm you.
I know what this is. You're a typical leftist of average intelligence who wants to pretend you're more logical than conservatives, even while your argument rests entirely on emotional concepts like "respect." This is due to a pathetic and shallow understanding of the scientific process, which you ignorantly assume applies to human behavior, despite the fact that the vast majority of all decisions and judgments are formed subconsciously, and have about as much to do with logic as spaghetti has to do with Mexican food.
In the end, you aren't able to comprehend entry-level philosophy, because it shatters the reflexive and emotional beliefs you hold, the first being that what you think is the result of some sort of axiomatic logical process rather than the complex interaction of animal and rational instincts.
To conclude: stop. You sound dumb. Learn to separate what is being entertained with what is being claimed. Recognize your own emotional, irrational behavior. Stop pretending your understanding of this subject matter - first-year philosophy at best - makes you more logical than others. Literally everything you've said relies upon dozens and dozens of ideological assumptions, all of which are themselves reliant upon an emotional argument ("This is wrong because it causes pain, which feels bad.")
Also... lol at deeming me conservative.