... collusion/Don't be thinking the higher wage tech jobs are a safe bet either. Not only have companies conspired to keep wages down with their "gentleman's agreements.... ... tech-jobs/Yep, If they can't screw over Americans through collusion, they'll just bring in foreign workers to take those jobs. Not even immigrants or wanna be immigrants, they want to bring cheap labor over for a couple of years, have Americans train them to take their jobs then have them go back home.
And to back Saz up, I will point out that the Great Generation didn't pull that shit on the Boomers. The GG tended to buy American. The switch to Japanese cars wasn't an easy proposal, however, the Japanese did treat their workers well and put out quality. The GG also didn't f**k over the younguns in negotiations. Now, contracts get passed that protect retirements while putting in Tiered Wages for the younguns and forcing the youngs to try to manage their retirements on their own.
There is one helluva high cost behind all those cheap products. That cost isn't gonna be paid by the Boomers. It will be paid by several generations to com.