I have a crushed L2 vertebrae cause I was a newb on a new scraper and didn't realize the air ride wasn't working properly. Hit a bump, got bounced and OMFG!!!!! Didn't realize how bad it was and just asked the boss if I could take the rest of the day to go to my chiropractor. While I waited for the big boss in the office, it was setting in. After I talked to him, I stood up to leave and fell to my knees. I couldn't walk. Two men had to haul me to the pickup. As he was taking me to the ER it got so painful I had to hold my ass up off the seat with my elbows. By the time I got to the hospital, I was in such pain I was begging God to kill me or just finish snapping my spine so it would stop hurting. After literally dragging me to a bathroom for a piss test then Xrays(the nurse and Xray tech were sympathy crying for me), they basically drugged me into unconsciousness while my husband drove in from an hour and a half away and he kinda passed out for a couple of hours before heading over after hearing me, in tears(I don't cry) saying I didn't think I was gonna ever gonna walk again.
Fortunately, I was 29 and in fantastic shape so I was able to recover in about a year by taking an assignment as an Oiler which required physical labor, however, I still get reminded every once in a while when I sit in a bad chair, sleep in a hotel bed(I have a pretty expensive mattress due to it), do a lot of lifting and turning or have to drive for a long time without walking breaks. I just refused to give in and let it ruin my life.
Oh, and Workman's Comp and the company I was working for f**k me over even though I went back to work and didn't use it to become a lifetime welfare whore.