by Mogli » Wed Apr 30, 2014 2:51 pm
Anyway, YES, we are living in a police state. We clearly see that with NDAA. One only needs to be seen as a terrorist, based on tptb's interpretation. Then you can be kidnapped, caged, thrown in prison for an indefinite period of time without due process, a lawyer or a phone call. Adios 4th A.
We also clearly see the militarization of the police, DHS, TSA, et al with 2 billion rounds of ammo bought, heavy vehicles bought, militarization of the IRS with the purchase of fully automatic AR-15 rifles. TSA sexually abuses persons without any repercussions.
We're obviously living in a two tier ROL state that is currently authoritarian heading full steam towards Totalitarianism.
Then if we consider people put into prison where they are tortured endlessly for victimless crimes and they become the real victims, of real crime, by real criminals.
We also need to conider how they're controlling our food through bankrupting the Ca. Central Valley, one of the most productive valleys in the world. The Fascist entity Monsanto, laws against seed saving, raw milk, water catching. We can't forget all those EO's where they can confiscate anything they like including food, water, seeds, vehicles, ad infinitum.
The Mighty USS of A is alive and well,,,,, BUT, not for long.
This is just the tip of the iceberg.
Nor Ca., Land of the lost.