by Ben Huh » Thu May 01, 2014 1:24 am
People just need to stop catching feelings. I am not going to go as far as to say that being an atheist in the workplace is as hard as being gay, but I have taken my fair share of bullshit for it. I triumphed because I didn't catch feelings and decided to give my coworkers who gave me shit a favor they didn't return to me; I respected their difference of opinion. I remember once when I was in the Army, my dining facility manager made me pass out flyers promoting the dining hall's upcoming Easter brunch around the base where we were stationed. The flyers not only promoted a holiday from a religion I did not support, it also had on it a photo of a white Anglo-saxon protestant family of four holding hands in prayer over dinner. I also knew they only reason he made me do it is because I was an atheist, something he found out when he and I had a discussion about religion. He even called me a fool during that convo since according to him faithless people can't have morals or a purpose. Good thing I am also a nihilist, so who needs a purpose in life? Anyways, did I catch feelings because he specifically made me pass these damn flyers out based on my lack of religion? Nope. I took the flyers and promoted the shit out of that f*cking brunch. I also didn't campaign for dude to lose his job even though his actions could def be seen as attempting to create hostility towards me. People need to get over it. Expecting everyone at your workplace to have the same opinions as you or even popular opinions is a pipe dream. Live and let live. I have enough similar stories like this one to make a book series. So many Christians are out there praying for my Godless existence that I'll never have to concern myself with my own well being.
..."if the only thing keeping a person decent is the expectation of a divine reward, then brother, that person is a piece of shit."