by Mo~ » Tue May 06, 2014 1:41 am
If you are responding to my post, BR, I'm not talking about the guys who are still stuck there. The ones I meet have gotten out and are here now. But, they still don't understand why they are hated just for doing the same thing(driving a semi) as the guys who hate them so much for doing it. They may have gotten out of the Eastern Block countries, and have more opportunities for an honest living, but, honestly, if you wouldn't whore yourself out to take care of you and your own rather than see them starve, are you really much of a man???
Maybe I'm just a "Woman", but I'd crawl on my belly through cut glass to insure my babies don't die. And, I haven't gone through half the hardships some of them dudes have. Posting Bullshit spam to a bunch of spoiled Western Whiney Bitches??? That would be an easy call.