by Indy » Tue May 13, 2014 8:13 am
I don't know what country people are living in that they haven't noticed anything absolutely bizarre about the weather that last few years.
Yes, just like Al Gore said. Sorry, I don't care if he's a hated "liberal," that should have nothing to do with this.
The moment this got politicized--it's a science/survival issue--is the moment people like the Koch brothers won because they convinced their idiot followers that if you deny what's in front of your face, you're "winning" against "liberals." Congratulations on your suicide pact.
Somehow I'm supposed to believe there's a worldwide conspiracy of scientists that are controlled by the U.S. Democratic party--I mean, LOL--to create this "hoax" to do... what already? Oh yeah, ruin the economy. Or funnel wealth away from Americans into third world (i.e., black, meaning: out comes the dog whistle) countries, according to people like Rush Limbaugh. Now that's a neat trick, not only making it political but racial. Although that is kind of how dog whistle politics works.
If I have 300 fire inspectors walk through my office and say "Get out of here, it's a death trap with exposed wiring and faulty outlets and no sprinkler system" do I listen to them? Or do I listen to my non-firefighter cube mate who says to ignore them because they're the "left" and cleaning up our building code violations--because that is what we are talking about here--will "ruin the company."? Who would stay in that office?
Industrialists have spent billions to politicize this, propel deniers into the MSM spinning their tales of disinformation and let's not forget what this is really all about: pollution. These industrialists believe that the planet is their open sewer, here only for them to use as such in pursuit of profit.
What moron in their right mind would support endlessly polluting the planet they live on until it becomes uninhabitable? Answer: the one who thinks doing so is being a good "conservative."
The irony being that nothing could be less synonymous with the textbook definition of "conservative" than ignoring the warnings and continuing to do what feels good now.
Then again, this is the same Party that, despite Wall St. having literally crushed the economy in the worst disaster since the Great Depression, ignored THAT reality and made sure we put no protections in place after that. So we get the economic suicide pact to go with the environmental one.
Yeah, let's all follow these people and their insane, suicidal ideology right over the cliff. No thanks.
But just keep that in mind: what we're talking about here is reducing pollution, period. And creating alternative energy sources which, if we're not going to become the world leader in that, China surely will, cementing our second-class status for the foreseeable future.
I see that the Koch brothers have launched an all-out assault on that too--targeting communities/operations that are having success with solar because that means somebody might be able to stop using their filthy energy sources.
People who deny what's in front of our face and has been since at least, yes, Al Gore (that movie was 2006 but climate change warnings have been around for decades) and thwart efforts to clean up our air, water and land should be relocated to the places that end up underwater because of those ignored warnings. You want to make where you live a toilet? Fine, you're going to be the one living in it, not me.
Last edited by
Indy on Tue May 13, 2014 8:19 am, edited 1 time in total.