Not only what got them going, but that's when our plunge over the cliff began. So much for the idea that we were "liberators" there to free those people, etc., etc.
We should have left after that. There was no saving it after that.
You know, for all those who keep insisting this is improvement because we didn't kill them in WWII-like numbers, we certainly found other ways to make life generally miserable for them, be it via dragging people out of their homes at night, disappearing young men, torturing them, humiliating them, imprisoning them.
In this day and age of, um, video, things like Abu Ghraib or the Bradley Manning leaked video or us posing with dead bodies and peeing on them in Afghanistan, for instance--that did more damage than killing thousands more.
Point being: who cares how much "safer" our military strategy is now when our occupation strategy is horrific?