The entire thing was marketed to us, shamelessly, as a response to 9/11. First they tried to link Hussein to 9/11 and when that failed they then created the Saddam-with-Nukes narrative, suggesting that we're going to get an even worse 9/11, a nuclear one, from Saddam. Who was going to nuke us. I think somebody realized that idea was idiotic so then it changed to: Saddam's going to hand over the nukes to AQ--an even more idiotic idea--and they went with that one.
They were able to smother any dissent/question by invoking patriotic correctness--if you dared question the war, you were hurting the troops, giving "aid and comfort to the enemy" (this was actually said) and next thing you know all the cable news anchors were wearing flag pins and Phil Donahue was fired because it was un-American to not support our troops in wartime, don't you know?
So we get that this is all history, yes. That said, the architects of this fraud, this disaster, this atrocity not only faced no investigations or accountability, they're now on TV offering their foreign policy/military opinions along with non-stop scathing criticism of Obama.
How is that even possible?