by Professor » Fri May 30, 2014 8:23 am
I doubt that a school can withhold the diplomas. Or, perhaps they can refuse to release the piece of paper, but they will have to acknowledge that they graduated. There is an implied contract that, if the student completes coursework in a satisfactory manner, the student will graduate.
Let's put this another way. A student who fights with another student and gets suspended will still receive a diploma and graduate. And, we're supposed to believe that the school is going to be able to withhold diplomas for throwing hats?
My school (private, Catholic) tried to do this, too. They said we wouldn't get our diplomas (the rolled up things they handed us weren't diplomas) if we threw our hats. Guess what, most of us threw them anyway. The principal (a nun) got pissed. But, the parents loved it. And, since it was a private school that relies solely upon parents ponying up money every year for tuition, they gave us our diplomas.