by Professor » Fri May 30, 2014 11:34 am
Also, a direct democracy would not have some of the protections that we have now. Namely, the protection that the minority has from predation by the majority. Also, the protection that a politician has where he can do something that is unpopular (but for the good of the people) and have it weighed against the popular things he did?
For instance, what was that statistic that said something like 47% of Americans believe in creationism? What if that were just a bit higher at 52%? And then that 52% decided that creationism be taught in schools?
What if 55% of the people decided to get rid of the IRS and all income taxes?
Right now, politicians know that these types of things, while popular, would not be good for America. They can afford to make the unpopular decision by voting on it, and then attempt to mitigate the damage during a campaign.
Sorry - but there is a reason that America has the single-oldest form of government in the world. It works. Or rather, it works better than anything else, even if it doesn't work perfectly all the time.