by Indy » Wed Jun 04, 2014 7:57 am
You know what's really, REALLY interesting?
I mean really interesting.
How people like John McCain were calling for Obama to get this guy back no matter including yes, a prisoner swap--although he wanted to see the "details."
Yet when Obama actually does that, then TA-DA! Now McCain is outraged--outraged I tell you!--and all over Sunday morning talk shows and FOX News of the World.
Question: if he is a "deserter" now who should be mocked and scorned (just as his parents should be mocked for obviously being Taliban supporters like FOX did to his dad)... why wasn't McCain or the others in the GOP calling for his release saying that back then? They're just NOW coming to that conclusion? Really?
Other interesting points: how many Gitmo detainees were released under Bush... and there was no protest. Guess how many?
Here's one: so... we were going to keep these five guys in Gitmo forever? Because the war in Afghanistan is officially winding down finally, which means troops are coming out and Gitmo will be closing down. Or were we going to keep it open for these now five most dangerous men in the world? They haven't been charged with anything.
As we have seen time and time again--100% hypocrisy, a 180 degree flip-flop, another complete fauxrage distraction dominating the news cycle and calls for... wait for it... investigations and impeachment into Obama. Which will now have to get in line behind him getting impeached for Benghazi and him getting impeached for Obamacare. Which I'm thinking we should repeal again, I believe for the 54th try.
Good times. Because again, we're not talking about things like climate change, the economy, our crumbling infrastructure, our education issues--issues that actually matter. Let's have another investigation/hearings/impeachment.
The GOP truly has become the walking dead at this point. A zombie party that simply wants to suck the brains out of everybody since theirs have turned to liquid.