This kind of thing, especially the 9/11 thing, gets appalling when dim-witted partisans try and play pin-it-on-the-Dem. Then again, in the worldview of people like DWBH, everything is the fault of the liberalz.
The Clinton and Bush administration BOTH share responsibility for inaction prior to 9/11--of course the Tea Party members like DWBH think they're making a factual point when they say Clinton didn't "get" OBL after the African embassy bombings. And were that the only instance they'd be right.
Except for that little thing called the Cole bombing. Yeah, see, that was confirmed AQ AFTER Bush was president and the response was... nothing. Why? Because Bush's team felt it was "stale" by January 2001 when it was confirmed. Hear that? Those sailors that died--stale. 17 Americans dead--servicemen--but it was "stale" to the Bush White House, yet here the TP'ers tell us that they're absolutely outraged over... the death of four Americans?
Guess it wasn't so stale as they watched the WTC come down. That's why I toy with dumbshit 9/11 revisionists at will, like here, because when your only knowledge of "history" is what the Party propaganda history playbook tells you, you're bound to face-plant.
As for Dem culpability in Iraq, they certainly were guilty of being lazy and cowardly--nobody was going to say a word to the contrary when President Cheney cooked up this whole Iraq-has-WMDs fraud, because nobody wanted to be the one who went against attacking the people who 9/11'd us and taking their nukes which Cheney told us they had and of course you wouldn't want to hurt the troops by questioning this "war on terror."
And guess what? Those that did? Were immediately attacked by... wait for it... TP goobers.
Isn't that great? They savaged anybody who didn't go along with the fraud as an unpatriotic America-hating lib but then when the war turned out to be a fraud... they blame the libs!
That's like Palin-esque retarded. Oh guess who else they attacked? Anybody who wanted a real investigation of 9/11. Those people were liberal "truthers" and America-haters who didn't realize that Cheney's claims should have been good enough--yet here they are screaming for a ninth investigation about a 9/11 where... four people died.
Absolutely bozo-town.
Mod edits. -u