by Guest » Wed Jun 11, 2014 2:50 pm
[quote="Mr.Bill"][quote="eynon81"][quote="Thatcher"][quote="eynon81"]oh for f**k sake.
ya know. The US was pretty good at Mid-east policy from 1830 til about 1992.
then we got terrible.
da f**k happened?[/quote]
The "War on Terror" happened.[/quote]
that was even possibly redeemable. [color=#FF0000]the invasion of Iraq really screwed the pooch[/color].[/quote]
Next time Cheney's on Fox I can't wait for one of those hard charging Fox reporters to grill him on the mistakes that were made, and how those mistakes are still haunting us and causing many more to die.
Not gonna happen, is it?[/quote]
Eh, same can be said about MSNBC and Obama. Both parties suck.