This is precisely my point though. There are only two real choices. The liberal non violent democracy loving Arabs are few and far between, and incapable of taking or holding power. There is no such thing as the good rebels. I will say kudos to at least having a consistent position unlike most of these bandwagoner. But the idea of any functioning democracy in these countries is a farce. Eventually, you get to an election and the people CHOSE authoritarian theocrats. Democracy is donned in the region until the Arab on the street stops voting or supporting militant Islamists. That's not happening soon because these are insane societies that haven't progressed socially in hundreds of years. Violence and power is the only currency they understand. A human rights loving democratic group is by definition an irrilivant and powerless group in the region.
You pick the violent secularists or the violent Islamists. Those are the only two choices. Anything else is a pipe dream devoid of practical consideration. Supporting the free Syrian army is like voting for Nader. In the end you are all idiots only HELPING the worst option succeed, be it the GOP or Isis. You guys wish and pray so hard for a perfect option that you play right into the hands of the absolute worst option.