by Kane » Tue Jun 17, 2014 11:03 pm
Doesn't matter. Just stoking sectarian motivations further. ISIS/ISIL knew this. It's a win/win for them. They get recruits either way as the Shiite wantonly kill as we once did.
FWIW, the leader of ISIL did something pretty smart here. He's forcing Assad to deal with the Shiite militias leaving him to head back to Iraq which leaves somewhat a vacuum that both the remaining elements of ISIS/ISIL can fill and other existing sunni militias can push against him with. Apparently he's been focusing on the new equipment/vehicles that ISIL is bringing back into Syria via lots and lots of air strikes. On top of this, ISIL allowed the Kurds the take Kirkuk. Iraq isn't getting that back. Ever.
This move forces players to act into ISIL's hands, if they want to or not. They can choose not to fight, surrender, and die....or fight, stoke sectarian aggrievements, and further the cause.
It was also interesting to see Saudi Arabia faving nonintervention on this matter...apparently they aren't taking any lessons from Pakistan on dealing with fervent and ideologically driven militarism in order to achieve a favorable outcome for them. Perhaps the elements operating within SA will begin to change most of their minds? I'm sure some princes already send money but the public statement made by SA suggests they aren't watching the NWFP in Pakistan as it gets absolutely pummeled after the attack on the Karachi International Airport.
All in all, most participants either want to play with fire or are the flames themselves.