by Indy » Wed Jun 18, 2014 2:58 pm
You are correct sir. Even "liberal" outlets like the NYT or MSNBC were complicit in beating the Iraq war drum.
Judy Miller arguably was the biggest dupe whose "reporting" was used as a rationale for the Iraq war--and she didn't work at the WSJ.
CNN of course got a Choner because war = ratings bonanza for them (as for all news outlets), so out came the generals, the music and the fancy graphics. Plus lots of bordering-on-fetish Military Channel-style profiles of our weapons and capabilities.
FOX? Pfft of course they were so on board with this and I believe they're the ones who started up with the whole flag pin crap which everybody then adopted because of course if you're not for the war you're not American.
Phil Donahue at MSNBC was the only one asking questions so of course MSNBC got rid of him, quick.
Maybe you're right. Maybe the lack of a story they can feed off of for months/years has them all craving a war fix--so why not bring back the whole gang for a "I love the 00's!" reunion?