by The Dharma Bum » Fri Jun 20, 2014 10:48 pm
the interesting thing to consider here is that shyness, anxiety, and dynamism are beneficial survival traits not disorders.
Our environment is different that it was when these traits emerged and nearly everyone has them to some degree or another.
Humans used to live and die with a group of brothers and sisters tracking prey and evading predators, now we sit in a box all day surrounded by a lot of strangers so the characteristics that used to be helpful now cause neurosis.
f**k sitting a box all day. There's nothing wrong with you or comrade, you're just not doing what you should be doing, which is being an awesome bro and surviving an untamed wilderness. The awesome bro part is there, but the untamed wilderness is gone, so sometimes things we do go wrong. We're being domesticated.
Farm raised humans